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Categories and Prizes


Original paintings, examples include: watercolour, acrylic, oil, pastels, spray paint – no prints.

Waihi Paper Plus and Toyworld First Prize

$750 cash

Second Prize

$400 cash



3D sculptures, examples include pottery, assemblages, wood carving, glass, copper.

Coro Vets First Prize

$400 cash

Waihi Coffee Roasters Second Prize

$200 cash


Mixed Media

Art in which more than one medium or material has been used. Examples include assemblages, collages, hand-pulled prints, relief prints, intaglio prints, lithograph (not offset) screenprints and monotypes.

100% Waihi First Prize

$400 cash

Second Prize

$200 cash


Original design and not from a pattern or commercial kitset. Examples include ceramics, recyclables, textile crafts, leatherwork, origami, knitting, embroidery, crochet, felting, macrame.

First Prize

$400 cash

Second Prize

$200 cash

Macrame Texture Pattern


Original photography. Examples include film camera and photographic negative, panorama, pinhole photography, slides, cyanotypes. You may submit one artwork from a limited edition of 30 or less.

In Frame First Prize

$400 cash

Visique O'Hagan Vision Care Prize

$200 cash

Special awards

We have a number of special awards for different areas of focus this year. Our Young Star award is intended to reward young artists between the ages of 15-22, and showcase their work. Hauraki Repair + Reuse Centre are sponsoring a prize for Radical Reuse, the best use of items otherwise destined for recycling or landfill. Our regular People's Choice prize is available again, with voting over the weekend on your favourite piece!

Young Star

$100 cash

Hauraki Repair + Reuse Centre Radical Reuse

$50 cash + $50 store credit

People's Choice

$100 cash

Hall, Domain/Reserve committee:

Hall hire contact: 027 208 1096

ART Waikino sub-committee:

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Waikino Victoria Hall: 8559 State Highway 2, Waikino 3682, New Zealand

Waikino Recreation Reserve: 34 Waitekauri Road, Waikino 3682

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